How To Ask A Girl Out On A Date?
Welcome to Quotes Dude! Getting a date is the primary goal of initial communication with a girl you're interested in. It is always the man's responsibility to get this done. Asking for a date over text doesn't have to be that intimidating if you know when to ask and how to ask.
When to ask?
The best time to ask for a date is within the first few texts. Whether you met the girl at a party or searching through profiles on a dating site, the quicker you ask, the less likely you are to becoming her texting buddy. Let the girl know you're serious about dating her by proposing a time to meet at location of your choice the same day or at least the next day.
How to ask a girl on a date?
Asking a girl you're interested in out on a date has to come off naturally. It should also come off with some kind of originality and a bit lighthearted. You want to be confident but not stiff when asking. The request also has to flow cohesively from your previous text messages to her. A really good example of this:
- First text: You: Having an heluva time pissing off monkeys at the zoo.
- Second text: You: I hope your day is just as bananas.
- Girl texts back: I'm so scared of monkeys. Almost as much as I am of clowns.
- Third text: You: Ok, then I won't ask you to come to the circus with me. How about we catch a Yankee game tonight instead?
This conversation started off innocently. I told her I was having a good time at the zoo. This will show a girl you are interesting, plus, girls dig guys who love animals. The second text shows her you have interest in her and tries to make a connection. Now she knows I'm interested in her day and hopes it was as fun as mine. I'll wait for a response to the second text before asking her for a date in the third response. This time, she tells me about her Coulrophobia and I use that to my advantage by telling her she'll be safe from clowns during our date.